What the Blog is About?
While I often want to share my views on current events happening in the world, I try to stick to writing about culture, fashion and books. I don't like offending people and hurting their feelings, and I also don't think certain views on politics, finances, educational system etc. should be shared publicly if they are not researched properly. Nowadays we are all content creators, and I refuse to add to this maddening storm of misleading information as you never know who is reading it and who it is going to affect.
I believe in a proverb "Let the cobbler stick to his last". It comes from an ancient story about a shoemaker who criticizes a work by a Greek painter named Apelles, saying that the shoe in the picture wasn't portrayed correctly. The next day, the shoemaker, quite proud at seeing the former error corrected, thanks to his advice, begins to criticize the leg; upon which Apelles, full of indignation, pops his head out, and reminds him that a shoemaker should give no opinion beyond the shoes.
Therefore, I promise that on Pastiche.today you will only see properly researched information about historical persons and cultural events, fashion styles I really wear and like, recommendations on books I actually read and films I have watched. I promise not to feed you any information to sell you something or write reviews on places I have never been at for the sake of having it on my blog.