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Theme 47. My Sustainability Efforts. Ampion Solar Energy

As we are going through pandemic and other less widely covered by media catastrophes and ecological problems, I and so many other people on our planet start to wonder what can we possibly do to prevent any more harm done to the world as we know it.

An effort of one person might be small, but if we together as humans start taking responsibilities for our choices, communities and our Earth overall, we can make a difference and might improve the conditions of our world or at least slow down the inevitable catastrophic events that will fall down as a payment for our careless use of Earth. If we start today, now, we can hopefully buy another couple of millennia of prosperous future.

To be completely honest, my efforts have not been huge to this point. Apart from trying to eat less meat, shopping sustainably when I can, donating to organizations such as Ocean Cleanup and recycling, I have not done enough to be proud. That is why this year was a wake up call for me and I am continuously looking for ways to reduce my carbon footprint.

There are many small and easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint:

  • Turn the water off when you brush your teeth, conditioning your hair and don’t ever leave water running while you are on your phone or going to another room even for a minute.

  •  Unplug!  Leaving your fully charged device plugged in still uses up A LOT of energy. It is called “vampire power” and it drains up to $19 billion in energy every year in the USA alone.

  • Flip the switch. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. My mum also taught me that if you leave home for more than a week it is wise to turn off/unplug all the appliances and devices. She would clean out the fridge and turn it off it we were leaving for a long time. I used to think it was redundant, but now I realise how wise my mum actually is.

  • Reuse and Recycle. Reduce junk mail in your inbox, including billing (you can easily turn to paperless billing). Bring your own mug to a juice station or a coffee shop.

There is also some big ways you can help our planet “to breathe” - switch to alternative sources of energy!

My parents, for example, use solar energy to heat water for the house. My dad also tries to use well water and small windmills for generators and electricity in some parts of our house. Unfortunately, as I live in a rented apartment in Manhattan I cannot use solar energy just yet (it is all going to change in a very near future, just you watch!), however i discovered through my work with and their partnership with Ampion that New York State residents and many other East Coasters can sign up for solar energy FOR FREE, without having to install any solar panels, any equipment and on top of that will get a lot of additional benefits.

If you sign up for Ampion, you will not only:

  • Reduce your carbon footprint and start using sustainable energy

  • Your electricity bill is guaranteed to go down at least by 10%!

  • You will get $100 gift card to spend on and buy any fashion, home items and even masks that are so scarcely available right now

There is no downside of trying Ampion, and I am surprised people are not mass subscribing to this solar community. Apart from saving money, it offers a huge opportunity to contribute into better healthier future for our planet.

Ampion is currently available in cities like Boston and Springfield in MA, Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. Rochester, Binghampton, Bedford, Niagara Falls in New York, Trenton and Princeton in New Jersey, Stamford and Greenwich in Connecticut and many many more.

To check if Ampion is available in your city just click here and enter your ZIP code.

Apart from me, other influencers have been working with Ampion and being active spreading the word about using solar energy, including Survivor TV show winner and famous speaker Ethan Zohn, Love Island contestant, pageant queen and model Aissata Diallo, music videos director and award winning content creator and filmmaker Mackinzie Dae, one of the most influential social media influencers according to Forbes, Rudy Bundini, top Instagram creator Tina Lee and many more.

If you still have questions just insert your Zip code here to find out if Ampion is available in your city and find out more info. Let’s change the future of our world for better!

Let me know what are your sustainability efforts, I would like to learn more!

Week 14: Park City. Zara Dress, Sunflowers and the White Barn

Today I am sharing a perfect summertime look with you that was shot next to the famous White Barn in Park City. I bought this dress and hat from Zara a few weeks ago (how amazing is their new summer collection?!) and I think they go together perfectly. Hats have become my new obsession and I have purchased at least 6 new headpieces in the last two months, so be prepared to see much more new looks with hats soon :)

Shop My Look and Similar:

Week 14: Park City. 4th of July Wild West Outfit!

Happy 4th of July!

Since July 4th is one of the most beloved US holidays, I have decided to dedicate this week to a very traditional, beautiful American town: Park City, Utah.

My husband spent a number of his teenage years in Park City (before living in Amsterdam and London) and his parents still live in there, hence, we visit Utah very often. I have grown to love this beautiful ski resort town with its magnificent, picturesque mountains, breathtaking sunsets and colourful, neat houses.

This week I am going to share a bit of Park City's history, my favourite places to visit (both in summer and winter), the best restaurants, and of course a few outfit photoshoots taken in this incredibly photogenic city.

This is my third 4th of July in the US. I celebrated the first one in 2014 in in NYC. Last year Ben organised a very romantic surprise getaway to Disneyworld in Florida (it was our first roadtrip!). The July 4th fireworks in Disneyworld were amazing and we made so many happy memories. And this year I am spending the 4th of July in Park City, where they hold a beautiful parade every year. I will add photos from today's celebration later!

The outfit I have posted below is not the traditional red, white, and blue you might have expected, but it has a Wild West feel to it which I love. I think the Stetson really suits me, what do you think? :)

My Outfit:

Stetson Cowboy Hat, White off the shoulder top (similar here and here), Denim shorts (similar here and here), Adidas sneakers.