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Week 3: Cleopatra. Iconic Makeup

Cleopatra Make Up, Cleopatra cat eye Look

The last post of the extended Cleopatra Week is, of course, dedicated to her beauty look. You can dress up in the most luxurious Greek-style dress, wear heavy gold jewellery and even buy the black wig with bangs, but even then you won't pass as Cleopatra if you do not wear her iconic makeup!

Cleopatra's Makeup is as legendary as her story. Of course the most iconic feature in her look is the eye makeup with a gorgeous Egyptian cateye. You can go heavy and bold for the Halloween or a costume party look, or just add an extra dark winged eyeliner if you are going for something more subtle.

I am also a big cat-eye lover and always apply my black eyeliner whenever I want to look my best.  Just a little "Cleopatra detail" makes me feel 10x prettier.

I have selected the best YouTube tutorials on how to apply Cleopatra's Makeup for you. Share your Cleopatra Looks with me via email or tag me on Twitter or Instagram: @uliaali 


Bonus: Check my Pinterest Board for more Cleopatra inspiration:

Week 3: Cleopatra. Books

Books about Cleopatra. Книги о Клеопатре

You already know my love for literature, and that every week I post relevant to the chosen theme books. Today I wanted to give you a list of the best publications about Cleopatra, both fictional and history books. Let's start with the classics!

The Classics

1. 'Antony and Cleopatra' is a beautiful tragedy written by W. Shakespeare. It follows the romantic relationships between Cleopatra and Mark Antony up until their tragic deaths. The Shakespeare's play is an origin of belief that Cleopatra was bitten on her bare breast by an asp, even though classic sources say that the poison spread to her body from the bite on the arm. Regardless of the historical fact, the Shakespeare's vision of Cleopatra's death was quickly popularised by the artists and filmmakers.

2. 'Caesar and Cleopatra' is a play written by another famous playwright, George Bernard Shaw (you probably know him for the 'Pygmalion' play that was made into the film 'My Fair Lady'). However, this play is nowhere romantic and Shaw wrote it to prove that Cleopatra was not in love with Julius Caesar, but used him for political purposes. In his work the Roman occupation of ancient Egypt is a some sort of a symbol of the British occupation during his time.

Other Fiction Novels You Will Love

TOP PICK: Lets start with 'The Memoirs of Cleopatra' by Margaret George.

Best fiction about Cleopatra

Best fiction about Cleopatra

It is extremely fascinating read and I enjoyed reading it very much, imagining it was indeed Cleopatra's diary. The richly detailed saga tells us the story of the Egyptian queen in her own voice. I was highly immersed into Cleopatra's world, and even though the Margaret George's work is indeed very long (my edition came in two thick books), at the end I felt I had undergone an exciting journey with the Egyptian Queen, from her younger years till the last breath. The research Margaret did for the book is phenomenal, and I can guarantee that it is one of the best fictional novels about Cleopatra written to these days.

2. 'Antony and Cleopatra' by Colleen McCullough. 
I absolutely love how Colleen McCullough writes. Her knowledge of Roman history is very detailed and extensive, and all characters come alive when you read it. Antony and Cleopatra is a timeless tale of passion, politics and power.

3. 'When We Were Gods: A Novel of Cleopatra' by Colin Falconer.

Just For Fun: 

There are also bunch of very emm.. peculiar books about Cleopatra, where she... gets kicked out from Hell by Satan to our modern world, fights or make love with Egyptian Gods(!), vampires(!!), werewolves(!!!) and, of course, there is a bunch of soapy erotic stories featuring our favourite Egyptian Queen. 

The 'Cleopatra's Return' by Eve Langlais seems to be one of the brightest examples of such books as it contains almost all the above mentioned elements.

History and Coffee Table Books


Week 3: Cleopatra. The Egyptian Queen's Fashion Legacy

I apologize for being absent for few days, but I had a very good reason for that. Ben and I were in Los Angeles and then drove to his hometown, Santa Barbara, where on 21st of March WE GOT MARRIED! Our secret ceremony was beautiful and I cannot wait to show you all the photographs and share our story. Also I am already starting to plan our Big Wedding that will take place next summer.

As the last week got a little bit interrupted, I wanted to continue The Cleopatra Week. I still have interesting posts to share with you!

Редкие фотографии Моники Беллучи. Клеопатра

The image of Cleopatra has not only been exciting minds of artists, writers and filmmakers. The Egyptian Queen has an incredibly recognisable fashion legacy. Designers and women all over the world draw an inspiration from the legendary female pharaoh. Today, I decided to share the best of Cleopatra inspired looks with you, with some bonuses including Top 10 Cleopatra Halloween Looks and my Cleopatra party look.

TOP 20 Cleopatra Inspired Celebrity Looks

20. Sofia Vergara 19. Hayden Panettiere 18. Nicole Kidman 17. Beyonce 16. Olivia Palermo 15. Irina Shayk

20. Sofia Vergara 19. Hayden Panettiere 18. Nicole Kidman 17. Beyonce 16. Olivia Palermo 15. Irina Shayk

14.Carrie Underwood 13.Laura Dern 12. Rose Byrne 11. Naomi Watts 10.Shriya Saran

14.Carrie Underwood 13.Laura Dern 12. Rose Byrne 11. Naomi Watts 10.Shriya Saran

9. Kim Kardashian 8. Jennifer Lopez 7. Kylie Jenner 6. Nicole Scherzinger 5. Katy Perry

9. Kim Kardashian 8. Jennifer Lopez 7. Kylie Jenner 6. Nicole Scherzinger 5. Katy Perry

4. Taylor Swift 3. Nicki Minaj 2.Giuliana Rancic 1. Bar Rafaeli

4. Taylor Swift 3. Nicki Minaj 2.Giuliana Rancic 1. Bar Rafaeli

TOP 10 Halloween & Photoshoot Cleopatra Looks

It was hard to choose the best Cleopatra looks as so many celebrities channeled their inner Egyptian Queen in the music videos, the photoshoots and at the Halloween parties. But it is not a surprise that the winner of the best Cleopatra Halloween Look goes to Heidi Klum, who is famous for her amazingly detailed, unique Halloween costumes.

10. Rihana 9. Nicki Minaj 8. Marylin Monroe 7. Kim Kardashian

10. Rihana 9. Nicki Minaj 8. Marylin Monroe 7. Kim Kardashian

6. Anne Hathaway 5. Petra Nemcova 4. Angelina Jolie 3. Kristin Kreuk 2. Katy Perry 1. Heidi Klum

6. Anne Hathaway 5. Petra Nemcova 4. Angelina Jolie 3. Kristin Kreuk 2. Katy Perry 1. Heidi Klum

My Party Look:

McKitrick Hotel party. Sleep No More

The McKitrick Hotel from time to time hosts amazing SuperCinema dress up parties. Last month it was a Romeo+Juliet Film themed party, and one of the characters you could "play" was Cleopatra, and my husband (so strange to call him like that! :)) picked her role for me. I have already shared my Cleopatra Look in one of the previous posts, but for the party I had more costumey head-piece and more dramatic make up.







Here are some photos:

Bond from Spectre skeleton and Cleopatra. Halloween Inspiration
Cleopatra party look at the McKitrick Hotel in NYC

I hope you enjoyed this post and do not forget to check our Cleopatra Themed Shop that I am updating regularly!

Week 3: Cleopatra. Cleopatra in Art

Death Of Cleopatra painting - Achilles Glisenti

Death Of Cleopatra painting - Achilles Glisenti

For centuries, the history and the myth of Cleopatra has been a great inspiration for artists all around the world. Cleopatra's praised beauty, seductive powers, love affairs with two most powerful men of her time and her tragic, but poetic death has been the theme in the works of generations of creative minds, including Shakespeare, Michelangelo and Salvador Dali.

It is important to note, that aesthetics and the canons of beauty undoubtedly change over time and place. Therefore, Reneissance's Cleopatra and Cleopatra depicted in the Gilded Age Era will be absolutely different, but at the same time the most striking for the audience of the time when the new image was created.

Busts of Cleopatra. Art

On following paintings, Cleopatra is depicted as a glorious, sometimes ruthless Queen in her prime years. She enjoys the romances with Caesar and Anthony, throwing fabulous feasts and lives a lavish life of the self-proclaimed Goddess.

Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Condemned Prisoners by Alexandre Cabanel 

Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Condemned Prisoners by Alexandre Cabanel

Cleopatra Before Caesar by Jean Leon Gerome

Cleopatra Before Caesar by Jean Leon Gerome

Cleopatra's Banquet by Gerard de Lairesse

Cleopatra's Banquet by Gerard de Lairesse

 Antony and Cleopatra by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

 Antony and Cleopatra by Lawrence Alma-Tadema

It is interesting that many artists disregard being historically accurate, and depict Cleopatra according to not only beauty standarts of their time, but also fashion styles. For example, on the works of Gerome, Cabanel and others, Cleopatra looks like an exotic oriental nymph. Lawrence Alma-Tadema, on the other hand, waived the oriental look in favour of more historically correct Hellenistic outfit.

It is interesting that many artists of Reneissance and 17th century were more likely to paint Cleopatra as a white skinned beauty with golden locks.

Cleopatra by Mose Bianchi

Cleopatra by Mose Bianchi

Cleopatra by John William Waterhouse

Cleopatra by John William Waterhouse

Cleopatra by Salvador Dali

Cleopatra by Salvador Dali

But after 19th century, artists started to give a preference to more exotic looking, darker Cleopatra.

The Death of Cleopatra

The death of Cleopatra has inspired more paintings than even her love life and glorious days of the reign. It is believed that Cleopatra has used an asp to kill herself as she did not want to be presented as an Augustus' trophy and be a part of his triumph.

It is documented that the Egyptian Queen has been bitten by a venomous snake in the hand, however Shakespeare in his Anthony and Cleopatra play, wrote that beautiful Cleopatra pressed a snake to her body and let it bite her breast. The sexualised version of Shakespeare has been enthusiastically taken by other creative artists, writers and filmmakers ever since.

The Death Of Cleopatra by German von Bohn

The Death Of Cleopatra by German von Bohn

Cleopatra's Last Moments by D. Pauvert It was previously owned by Michael Jackson

Cleopatra's Last Moments by D. Pauvert
It was previously owned by Michael Jackson

The Death of Cleopatra by Patra Arthur

The Death of Cleopatra by Patra Arthur

The Death of Cleopatra by Luca Ferrari

The Death of Cleopatra by Luca Ferrari

The Death of Cleopatra, Painting by John Maler

The Death of Cleopatra, Painting by John Maler

Two almost identical paintings of Cleopatra by Benedetto Gennari. One blonde and one brunette Egyptian Queen.

The Death of Cleopatra by Gyula Benczúr.Probably one of the few paintings that depict Cleopatra as an old, suffering woman. Majority of artists prefer to disregard the fact that Cleopatra was 40 at the time when she committed suicide.

The Death of Cleopatra by Gyula Benczúr.

Probably one of the few paintings that depict Cleopatra as an old, suffering woman. Majority of artists prefer to disregard the fact that Cleopatra was 40 at the time when she committed suicide.

Cleopatra by Rold Armstrong.During Art Deco, artists exploited the story of Cleopatra and transformed her from an important historical figure to the coquette, lovely seductress and femme fatale of the Gilded Age, Only little symbols and exotic cloth…

Cleopatra by Rold Armstrong.

During Art Deco, artists exploited the story of Cleopatra and transformed her from an important historical figure to the coquette, lovely seductress and femme fatale of the Gilded Age, Only little symbols and exotic clothing help to identify this new Cleopatra.

Hope you enjoyed the selection of my favourite paintings and sculptures depicting the legendary Egyptian Queen. In the next post you will be able to see celebrities and models of our time channeling their inner Cleopatras on the red carpet and runways. Prepare for the golden fashion galore, and don't forget to check our daily updated Cleopatra Themed Shop.


Week 3: Cleopatra. My Egyptian Queen Look

Modern version of Cleopatra's Fashion Look. Gold dress, black wig and signature cat-eye make up. By Ulia Ali

I am very excited to share my modernised version of Cleopatra look with you that was shot at the Metropolitan Museum of Art by my fellow blogger Julia Fashionista. We started the shoot at the famous Sackler Wing (part of the Egyptian part of the MET) with its Temple of Dendur, surrounded by the pool that represents the Nile river.

Cleopatra look by fashion blogger Ulia Ali. At the Met Museum. Sackler Wing fashion, The Temple of Dendur.

Almost immediately after we started shooting, I was surrounded by tourists asking to take photographs with me. There were big families, couples, students, kids. All of different nationalities and all wanted to take a picture with "Cleopatra" and not with ancient priceless treasures of history around them. I felt bad refusing them as everyone was so nice and friendly, so I posed and posed for 20 minutes until... we were asked by the MET representative to be anywhere, BUT the Egyptian room as we cause distraction! 

Ulia Ali at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC. In front of the Temple of Dendur
Cleopatra sculpture by William Wetmore.

Cleopatra sculpture by William Wetmore.

Initially I was upset by the whole incident, but luckily we found another beautiful naturally lit room at the MET and took wonderful images. It is, quite interesting, that the statue I am posing next to is The Libyan Sibyl created by William Wetmore.

I remember posing next to it and thinking how it reminds me of Cleopatra. So imagine my surprise when I during my research on images of Cleopatra in art, I found out that William Wetmore also created almost identical to The Libyan Sibyl, sculpture of Cleopatra! 


Enjoy and let me know what do you think about the look! 

The Libyan Sibyl sculpture at The MET by William Wetmore. Ulia Ali as Cleopatra
Ulia Ali as Cleopatra wearing Louboutins at the MET
Ulia Ali as Cleopatra
Beautiful column at the MET museum, New York
Cleopatra in 2016. New look

Oufit: Herve Leger dress, Black Wig and bracelet NYC Costume, Ring Kenzo, Heels Christian Louboutin