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Week 28: Scandinavian Adventure. Raden A50 Set review.

Ben and I travel quite often and last year I hopped from one plane to another almost every weekend. It wasn't always for fun and vacations (although we had our fair share of those too!), but often for family matters and work. Regardless of the purpose, it is important for me to have stylish, comfortable and spacious luggage.

As my suitcases (I had this one for years!) got destroyed by our frequent flying schedule, I was excited to get a new Raden A50 luggage set in a sleek, matte black color for our Scandinavian trip. The set includes the A22 Carry-On and the A28 Check suitcase. To be honest I really wanted a pink and white combo (they have so many colors to pick from!), however many colors were sold out before Christmas. Luckily, I checked their website just now and seems like they have everything back in stock!


What is so special about this luggage set? Well, the best feature is that every suitcase has a built-in scale. You simply download the Raden app and lift the handle and an internal scale will determine how heavy your bag is, displaying the weight in the app. Moreover, the app can tell you where your luggage is within 100 feet as there is a Bluetooth receiver inside the case.

There are also two charging ports on both suitcases that allows you to charge your device. My iPhone is always low on battery, so this is quite a handy feature.

Both suitcases are light and roll easily without me having to push or drag them.

Now, of course there are also some down sides that I just have to talk about. Even though the Raden set is gorgeous, and looked so sophisticated out of the box, it got scratched very easily on our first flight. I am not sure if it's an issue with the black cases or the material used. Despite the scratched surface, the content of my bag was 100% protected, which is important when you travel with expensive camera equipment, heeled shoes and makeup all packed together :)

Overall, I do recommend the Raden luggage set if you can ignore a few scratches on the surface. You will appreciate the functionality and protection these suitcases provide.


Leather shearling jacket - Walter Baker | White bodysuit - Oroblu | Boots - Hush Puppies (in black)

Photographs were taken in Skeppsholmen Hotel, Stockholm.

In the next post, I am going to share some of my Cold Vacation Essentials and help you pack for your vacations in sub-zero weather and ski resorts!