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Theme 36: Holiday Season. Gift guide for Outlander fans!

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Well it is this time of the year when we are all trying to find perfect gifts for our friends and family! Black Friday, Cyber Monday and pre-Christmas sales are approaching and I will definitely be sharing some extra valuable insider information and show you some of the best shopping,  deals of 2017. But most of all I want to give you more personalized gift guides that will be fun, useful and will make your holiday gift shopping a little bit more easier :)

Today I am launching my OUTLANDER FANS GIFT GUIDE that I will be updating whenever I find something beautiful or fun to add to this handpicked selection of Outlander inspired gifts, books and fashion items. I am myself a huge fan of Diana Gabaldon's book series and The Outlander TV show, so I really enjoyed putting this together, and now I am (casually) sending this list to my friends (hint! hint!).

Nollaig Chridheil, lasses! May you find Jamie Fraser under your tree among all these goodies:

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Get your Claire Fraiser-esque outfit for the holiday season! I have selected the most elegant, classy and flattering plaid dresses and cozy knits for you to wear (in Scotland perhaps? ;)) or to gift someone special. Get into Outlander mood!


Week 26: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Ulia's Gift Guide 2016

Christmas is a time full of love, joy and happiness. It is the time for listening Baby, It’s Cold Outside and Let it Snow on repeat, and watching It's a Wonderful Life for the 100th time while wrapped in a very warm blanket, cuddling with your loved one. Christmas is the time when miracles happen and prayers are answered.

And it is also the time to give and share. While I strongly suggest you to do something meaningful for the people around you, a little Christmas Gift Guide with my favourite gifts for everyone on your list will help make your holiday shopping easier. ;)

P.S. The guide will be updated daily!


Мой Праздничный Гид по Подаркам поможет подобрать самый оригинальный и красивый подарок для каждого дорогого тебе человека! Пожалуйста поделитесь ссылкой на этот пост с друзьями. 

Этот пост будет обновляться каждый день!

1. For Her/ Для Нее

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2. For Him/ Для Него

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3. Tech Lover Gifts/ Для Любителя Техники

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4. For Kids/ Для Детей

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5. Christmas Madness / Праздничное Сумасшествие!

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Week 5: Star Wars. SHOP

Every Themed Week has its own Themed Shop, and now you can see the best hand picked STAR WARS items!

Star Wars Themed shop. Gifts. clothes and much more!

I also have updated all the previous Themed Shops, including Cleopatra and the War & Peace (you can see previous shops by clicking the header image on the main SHOP page) or click SHOP category.