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Week 5: Star Wars. The Power of Costume Exhibition

Star Wars and the power of costume exhibition at the Discovery Times Square Museum

I am so excited that Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be available on Blu-Ray tomorrow, and happy to announce that the 5th Themed Week on Pastiche today is dedicated to the Star Wars saga and everything related to it.

Today, I would like to take you to the 'Star Wars and The Power of Costume' exhibition that is currently going at the Discovery Times Square Museum in New York. The exhibition features more than 70 hand-crafted original costumes from all seven Star Wars films, and reveals the creative process behind the creation of characters and their costumes. The exhibition is absolutely amazing, and Ben and I had a great date as we are both huge Star Wars fans. 

Of course, not all of you will be able to visit the Discovery Times Square, therefore I took a lot of photographs (even some shots of few interesting facts I read at the exhibition. Share with all of your Star Wars-fans friends!

Famous and incredibly sexy Princess Leia slave costume

Famous and incredibly sexy Princess Leia slave costume

Queen Padme Amidala's gorgeous gown at Star Wars and The Power of Costume Exhibition, Discovery Times Square in New York. By Ulia Ali
Star Wars exhibit. Cute
Star Wars and The Power of Costume Exhibition, Discovery Times Square in New York
Star Wars and The Power of Costume Exhibition, Discovery Times Square in New York. Obi Wan
Star Wars and The Power of Costume Exhibition photography exclusive for pastiche today blog
Star Wars. The Power of Costume Exhibition. Dark side
Star Wars costumes. Exclusive peek
Star Wars. The Power of Costume Exhibition photographs
I guess I am slightly attracted by the Dark Side ;)

I guess I am slightly attracted by the Dark Side ;)

Star wars room
Droid Design Star Wars
Do you remember I posted the video of Anakin's and Padme's breathtaking wedding ceremony in the 'TOP 10 Film Weddings' post? Seeing such beautiful intricate costumes from that gorgeous scene was amazing!

Do you remember I posted the video of Anakin's and Padme's breathtaking wedding ceremony in the 'TOP 10 Film Weddings' post? Seeing such beautiful intricate costumes from that gorgeous scene was amazing!

Amidala dress
Padme's gorgeous dresses she wore during pregnancy.

Padme's gorgeous dresses she wore during pregnancy.

Padme Amidala's wardrobe, hStar Wars costumes

Padme Amidala's wardrobe, hStar Wars costumes

Star Wars and The Power of Costume Exhibition
Star Wars The Power of Costume Exhibition exclusives
Star wars guns
The Power of Costume Exhibition. Senators fashion
senators at star wars
Darth Vader


Star Wars costumes
This is SO Steampunk. Gorgeous! You can click on any picture and Open it in New Tab or Window to see it bigger!

This is SO Steampunk. Gorgeous! You can click on any picture and Open it in New Tab or Window to see it bigger!

Yoda best!

Yoda best!

BB8 Droid, Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Amidala fashion
The Force Awakens costumes
'Padme's funeral' room at the exhibition.

'Padme's funeral' room at the exhibition.

The tragic death of Padme. The scene and the look was inspired by Pre-Raphaelite's paintings

The tragic death of Padme. The scene and the look was inspired by Pre-Raphaelite's paintings