Week 27: The Start of 2017. Oculus — Pastiche.today

Week 27: The Start of 2017. Oculus

Oculus, designed by the celebrated Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, is one of my favourite buildings in New York. The gigantic Transportation Hub, officially called the World Trade Center, evokes a big white bird, spreading its massive steel wings preparing for a flight.

Despite the heavy criticism of Calatrava's over-budget and seven years behind the schedule, project, I trust that Oculus represents the new-age grandiosity of New York, like the good old Grand Central embodied New York's pompous ascent at the beginning of the 20th century.

To me this $4 billion station is not just “the world’s most expensive train station”, but a new symbol of New York, a reminder that everything is possible in this big beautiful city I am so privileged to call home.


Black Turtleneck Dress - SammyDress | Stockings - Oroblu | Heels - Christian Louboutin

Photographs were taken in Oculus, by Dennis Christians.

(More posts about Culture and Exhibitions here ).